Toyota Concepts: I-Real, Hi-Ct & Rin

“Designers have lofty goals for their concepts, and the Toyota RiN is no different. With a massive greenhouse, seats that keep your spine in its proper position, an oxygen-level conditioner and humidifier, plus a meter that gauges your mood through the steering wheel and then displays a color based on your psychological state”

… <more photos & text @AutoBlog >


“Toyota keeps pumpin’ out those personal mobility concepts. First there was the i-Unit. Then there was the i-Swing. Now behold the latest, the i-Real.

It pretty much does what all its predecessors do except with each incarnation, expect more power, more energy efficiency, better controls, and in the case of the i-Real, close to production level build. The i-Real is sorta like a souped up Segway except you sit down”….

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